learning for a younger life

Cal20 – A Revolutionary Alternative to Common Calcium Supplements for Bone Health

Y4L, younger for life, cal20, bone fortification, calcium supplement

One of the biggest challenges in the calcium supplement market is the stigma attached to calcium salts. Their inefficiency and the associated discomfort have unfortunately colored the perception of all calcium supplements. However, it’s important to understand that not all calcium supplements are created equal. Cal20 stands out as a revolutionary product that is fundamentally different from traditional calcium salts. It’s a radical departure from the typical calcium supplements, offering an unparalleled level of absorption, comfort, and overall effectiveness. With Cal20, the narrative changes, shifting from discomfort and inefficiency to comfort, efficiency, and improved bone health. It’s time to look beyond the negative assumptions and embrace Cal20, the new standard in calcium supplementation.

The Status Quo – Calcium Salts

Calcium Carbonate: This is a major constituent of substances like limestone, chalk, marble, pearls, and corals. However, questions arise regarding the purity of supplements made from this source and the body’s ability to utilize the calcium derived from such large molecules. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when calcium ions in hard water react with carbonate ions to create limescale. It has medical uses as a calcium supplement and as an antacid, but excessive consumption can be hazardous and cause poor digestion.

Calcium Citrate: This is a chelated mineral, which essentially means its calcium carbonate encapsulated in a citric acid-derived coating. It typically provides less elemental calcium per pill, which might require consumers to take more pills daily, depending on their needs, which then results in the side effects noted above. Notably, those with acid reflux may not tolerate calcium citrate well.

Calcium Gluconate and Calcium Lactate: These forms of calcium supplements contain a low percentage of elemental calcium. Specifically, calcium gluconate is only 9.3% calcium, while calcium lactate is about 13% calcium. Consequently, to meet daily calcium requirements, one may need to consume a substantial number of these tablets, potentially leading to side effects like gas and constipation.

These traditional calcium supplements are calcium salts, which are predominantly extracted from geological sources such as limestone. It’s important to note that these salts don’t offer 100% elemental calcium but rather a fraction of it:
• Calcium carbonate offers 40% elemental calcium
• Calcium citrate offers 21% elemental calcium
• Calcium gluconate offers 9% elemental calcium
• Calcium lactate offers 13% elemental calcium

A critical aspect with these calcium salts is that their elemental calcium is shrouded with impurities and salts. This means your body has to undertake the extra task of breaking down these substances to access the elemental calcium.

Adding to the absorption challenge, the elemental calcium extracted by the body bonds with phytic acid present in foods. When this bonding occurs in the digestive tract, it further inhibits the body’s ability to absorb calcium, exacerbating the low absorption rates already associated with these forms of calcium.
And lastly calcium carbonate has poor absorption in the body because the carbonate needs stomach acid (an acidic medium) to be absorbed and its simultaneous properties act as an antacid which hinder this significantly.

These major hindrances strain the digestive system and often leads to the known side effects usually associated with calcium supplements:
• Low absorption rates – as low as 2%
• Gastric distress
• Diarrhea
• Constipation

In severe cases, these issues escalate to:
• Kidney stones
• Hypercalcemia

These conditions largely arising from ineffective calcium absorption due to the all these factors raised above.

The Future of Calcium Supplements: Cal20

Cal20 is derived from cows’ milk which is highly bioavailable primarily because the calcium is in its pure elemental form. When calcium is in its elemental form, it is already in a state that can be readily absorbed by the body. It does not require further breakdown and can easily cross into cells. This leads to far higher absorption rates compared to calcium salts. This means every bit of calcium you take in through Cal20 is set to contribute to your health directly. No wastage, no inefficiency – just pure, unadulterated, beneficial elemental calcium.

Another compelling advantage over traditional calcium salts is the dosage advantage. The most common calcium salts, calcium carbonate, is typically prescribed at high doses, often exceeding 1200mg per day. This ‘punch it in’ approach seeks to compensate for the lower percentage of elemental calcium within these salts, placing an additional burden on the digestive system. On the other hand, Cal20, with its 100% elemental calcium, offers a more streamlined dosage plan. Each Cal20 tablet contains only 275mg of pure elemental calcium. This lower dose ensures maximal absorption without any overloading of the digestive system, enhancing not only the efficiency of the supplementation but also the comfort of the patient.

As a further illustration of Cal20’s benefits, consider this: the calcium in Cal20, being derived from milk, is a food source. It’s as if you’re drinking a glass of milk, but without the common allergens—lactose and casein—that often deter people from dairy. This means you’re able to harness all the calcium benefits of milk without any associated digestive discomfort. The allergen-free nature of Cal20 makes it a suitable choice for those with lactose intolerance or casein allergies, assuring everyone can have access to high-quality, absorbable calcium.

In addition to its impressive features, Cal20 stands out in its sourcing and extraction methods. The calcium in Cal20 is derived from a natural source – cows’ milk. This is accomplished through a patented extraction method that not only ensures purity but also maintains the mineral complex in the same ratios found in human bones. This similarity in mineral composition between Cal20 and human bones enriches its biological value, facilitating better absorption and utilization of the calcium in the body. Thus, Cal20 not only supplies your body with the calcium it needs but delivers it in a form that’s closest to its natural state in the human body, further enhancing its effectiveness.

Cal20 is not just a source of calcium; it also delivers essential elements like phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and vitamin D3, along with soy isoflavones and probiotics.
• The supporting minerals, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium are the additional minerals required to build healthy strong bones.
• The inclusion of Vitamin D3, aids the human body further in absorbing the calcium into the bones.
• The soy isoflavones have shown to aid in waking up the osteoblasts, which are a key mechanism for building bones in people 40 years and older. Cal20 infused with probiotics which significantly improves this situation.
• The probiotics in Cal20 interact with phytic acids present in foods, preventing it from bonding with calcium. This interruption allows for enhanced calcium release and absorption, thus alleviating issues such as calcium induced constipation and lactose malabsorption. Essentially, Cal20’s probiotic infusion leads to significantly better calcium bioavailability compared to traditional calcium salts.

Choosing Cal20 means opting for a holistic, scientifically-backed approach to calcium supplementation. Enhance the health and wellness of yourself and your patients by recommending Cal20, the future of calcium supplementation.


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