Learning for a younger life

Read up on the latest information and knowledge concerning overall health, Osteoporosis and general advice on living younger, for longer.

Tag: inflammation

Beyond Bones: Calcium's Unexpected Key to Aging Gracefully

Beyond Bones: Calcium’s Unexpected Key to Aging Gracefully

Aging is an intricate biological process that every living being experiences, but what if we could tap into the secrets of slowing down this natural phenomenon? A groundbreaking study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine has shed light on a captivating connection between immune cells, calcium signaling, and the chronic inflammation associated with accelerated aging.

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Younger for Life, Cal20, Osteoporosis, Bone Support, Osteoarthritis

Definition of Bone Health

Bone health refers to the overall health and strength of the skeletal system, which includes bones, joints, cartilage, and other connective tissues. Good bone health is important because it helps to maintain the structural integrity of the body, support muscle function, and protects vital organs.

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Y4L, younger for life, cal20, bone fortification, calcium supplement

Why Sleep is The Most Important Pillar of Health

We spend around a third of our lives sleeping and, despite extensive research, this habit remains one of life’s great mysteries. Science does not quite understand how we fall asleep, and we are only starting to learn about the vital activities that take place when we are sleeping. Sleep, it turns out, is essential for re-organising what we have learned and studied during the day. It is much more than that too.

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Get Stronger Bones Without The Risk of Kidney Stones

Get Stronger Bones Without The Risk of Kidney Stones

When you take in too much Calcium Carbonate or Calcium Citrate (minerals sourced from chalk, limestone, or marble), it can cause kidney stones to form. Kidney stones are solid masses that form in the kidneys when excess minerals and other substances in the urine form crystals.

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Y4L, younger for life, cal20, bone fortification, calcium supplement

How Inflammation Can Lead to Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens your bones making them prone to breakages and fractures. While the exact cause of osteoporosis remains unknown it is understood that issues relating to your hormones, how your bones work, and how your body handles certain chemicals contribute to the onset of the disease.

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