Learning for a younger life

Read up on the latest information and knowledge concerning overall health, Osteoporosis and general advice on living younger, for longer.

Top 5 Ways to Practice Healthy Aging

Top 5 Ways to Practice Healthy Aging

Aging can often feel daunting and overwhelming, as our bodies and minds go through natural changes. However, did you know that there are proven ways to promote healthy aging and improve the quality of life as you get older? Here are the top five ways to practice healthy aging, so that you can feel your best and enjoy all that life has to offer.

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Y4L, younger for life, cal20, bone fortification, calcium supplement

Why Sleep is The Most Important Pillar of Health

We spend around a third of our lives sleeping and, despite extensive research, this habit remains one of life’s great mysteries. Science does not quite understand how we fall asleep, and we are only starting to learn about the vital activities that take place when we are sleeping. Sleep, it turns out, is essential for re-organising what we have learned and studied during the day. It is much more than that too.

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