Learning for a younger life

Read up on the latest information and knowledge concerning overall health, Osteoporosis and general advice on living younger, for longer.

Natural Solutions for Healthy Bones

Natural Solutions for Healthy Bones

Strong and healthy bones are crucial for our overall well-being, allowing us to maintain an active and independent lifestyle. Developing strong bones during childhood and adolescence is important, however it is equally vital to undertake measures during adulthood to safeguard bone well-being. In this article we will explore natural solutions to provide a holistic approach to support bone strength and density and delve into several natural strategies and lifestyle choices that can contribute to building and maintaining stronger bones. 

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Understanding Osteoporosis and the Role of Cal20

Understanding Osteoporosis and the Role of Cal20, Diet and Exercise

The Role of Cal20 in Combatting Osteoporosis.
Cal20 is a supplement specifically formulated to support bone health and prevent osteoporosis. It contains a combination of essential nutrients, including milk calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium; minerals that are vital for bone strength. The addition of soy isoflavones have added to its potency in building healthy bones. Cal20 aims to provide the necessary building blocks for bone formation and maintenance. The formulation is designed to optimise calcium absorption to nearly 100%, regulate bone metabolism, and support overall bone health. The body can only absorb about 2% of common calcium supplements such as calcium carbonate and calcium citrate, which is usually extracted from limestone (chalk).

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