Learning for a younger life

Read up on the latest information and knowledge concerning overall health, Osteoporosis and general advice on living younger, for longer.

Boost your Health with Omega-3

Boost your Health with Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. They are the building blocks for the membrane systems that do most of the heavy lifting for our 30 trillion cells.

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The Dictatorship of Dopamine | Younger for Longer

The Dictatorship of Dopamine

You have surely heard that most of us use just 10 per cent of our brain, a figure that is quickly followed by the ‘What If’ scenario in which we ponder how much better we would do if we could use, say, 50 per cent of our brain, or perhaps even more.

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Memory & Forgetfulness | Younger for Longer

Memory & Forgetfulness

You have surely heard that most of us use just 10 per cent of our brain, a figure that is quickly followed by the ‘What If’ scenario in which we ponder how much better we would do if we could use, say, 50 per cent of our brain, or perhaps even more.

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Y4L, younger for life, cal20, bone fortification, calcium supplement

Why Sleep is The Most Important Pillar of Health

We spend around a third of our lives sleeping and, despite extensive research, this habit remains one of life’s great mysteries. Science does not quite understand how we fall asleep, and we are only starting to learn about the vital activities that take place when we are sleeping. Sleep, it turns out, is essential for re-organising what we have learned and studied during the day. It is much more than that too.

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Y4L, younger for life, cal20, bone fortification, calcium supplement

The Correlation Between Calcium & Menopause

Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones and to carry out many important functions. According to the National Institute of Health in Maryland USA, almost all calcium in the body is stored in your bones and teeth, resulting in their structure and hardiness.

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